At Wednesfield Academy, we aim to deliver a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum which builds on previous learning for all students.
As our vision states: we aspire to build successful, resilient and confident young people. We believe our curriculum enables our pupils to develop the relevant skills and knowledge required to achieve this vision and be successful in the future.
All students will follow a sequential learning journey from Years 7 to 11, with the opportunity to continue their studies in our thriving sixth form. Subjects are taught in specialist suites of rooms by subject specialist teachers to ensure that provision is of the highest quality. In the early phase of their education, students follow a curriculum that develops knowledge and understanding in the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Citizenship, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Food, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Performing Arts, Social and Health Education, Physical Education, Religious Education and Technology.
As students’ progress into Year 10, they will study examination subjects with a wide range of GCSE and Vocational qualifications to choose from. The structure of our curriculum therefore ensures that students are challenged to achieve the highest possible grades, enabling them to thrive in their chosen career path and make a meaningful contribution to modern society.
At 16, students can choose to progress onto our sixth form, where a breadth of courses and teacher expertise ensures that students gain the qualifications and develop skills to progress on to their chosen pathway at 18. The current subjects studied are: English Literature, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Business, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Criminology, Sport, Design and Technology, ICT and Media.
On this page you will find an overview of what your child is learning now and what we intend them to learn in the future. We hope you find this page helpful for having conversations with your children about what they are learning.
Find out more about the subjects on offer