Uniform Guidelines
Our uniform consists of:
- Black Blazer with Badge
- White school shirt
- New School tie
- Black 'V' neck long sleeve jumper (optional)
- Black tailored trousers or Black formal skirt (new length)
- Black socks or tights (not patterned)
- Plain black leather shoes
- One pair of plain gold or silver studs in the lower earlobe
- NO facial piercings
- Bandanas are not permitted.
- Fake tan is not permitted.
- Hair colour and high fashion hairstyles are not permitted. Any extreme fashion, hairstyle or body marking/piercing is banned
- No shaved lines in hair/eyebrows.
- Fake nails are not permitted
- Plain headscarves, wraps, bands, hair clips or small bows may be worn with the sole purpose of keeping the hair in place. Extra hair accessories are not allowed.
All pupils are expected to wear full school uniform at all times and their appearance should be appropriate to a working environment. Shirts must be tucked in, top buttons fastened and ties tied so that 6 stripes are visible underneath the knot.
Hoodies or tracksuit tops are not permitted and will be confiscated. Coats are not to be worn around the building.
Our uniform is stocked by Crested Schoolwear. Wulfrun Centre, Wolverhampton, WV1 3HG, 01902 593030
PE Kit Guidelines
The compulsory items for every PE lesson are:
- Navy or black PE Top with logo*
- Navy or black PE shorts, leggings or track pants with logo*
- White socks
- Sports trainers or boots depending on the activity.
You may also purchase optional items:
- Navy mid-layer jumper (no hoodies)
These items can be purchased from Ron Fowlers Sports and Crested Schoolwear. If you need any support in purchasing this kit please email postbox@wednesfieldacademy.co.uk.
*if parents/carers are unable to purchase the prefferred PE kit with the Wednesfield logo, then completely plain black/navy kit will be accepted. Please note that any branded/designs on the clothing (of any size) that is not that of the Wednesfield Academy logo will not be accepted.