Contact Details:
Wednesfield Academy Lichfield Road, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV11 3ES
Telephone: 01902 558 222
Twitter: @WednesfieldAcad
Heateacher: Mr J Phillips
Our SENDCO can also be contacted via the links above.
Wednesfield Academy is part of the Matrix Academy Trust. Details and contact information for the Trust can be found at
Latest Ofsted Report
The latest report can be found HERE
KS4 Results 2024
Progress 8: -0.17
% 5+ in English & Maths: 40.4%
Attainment 8: 42.27
% entered for EBAC: 9.9%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS) = 3.36
Percentage of their pupils staying in education or going into employment or training after key stage 4: 92% (IDSR, lagged figures from 2022).
KS5 Results 2024
Value added: 0
Average Points: 25.9
Average Grade: C-
Students completing main study programme: 90% (IDSR, 2022)
Applied General qualifications
Value added: 0.12
Average Points: 30.53
Average Grade: Distinction-
Retention on main study programmes: 89% (IDSR, lagged figures from 2022)
Percentage of their pupils staying in education or going into employment or training after key stage 4: 78% (IDSR, lagged figures from 2022).
Year 11 Destinations 2024
Sixth Form (total) - 24%
Wednesfield Academy Sixth Form - 15%
Other school Sixth Form - 9%
College - 70%
Training Provider - 0.5%
Apprenticeship - 4%
Football Academy - 0.5%
Currently unplaced - 1%
Year 13 Destinations 2024
University (total) - 57%
Russell Group Universities - 7%
Apprenticeship - 23%
Gap year - 5%
Employment - 13%
FE College - 2%
University Destinations include:
University of Oxford- Experimental Psychology
University of Birmingham- Accounting and Finance
University of Birmingham- Mathematics and computer science
University of Manchester- Computer science
Curriculum Information
The academy offers a broad and balanced curriculum which builds on previous learning for all students. All students will follow a sequential learning journey from Years 7 to 11, with the opportunity to continue their studies in our thriving sixth form.
Subjects are taught in specialist suites of rooms by subject specialist teachers to ensure that provision is of the highest quality.
In the early phase of their education, students follow a curriculum that develops knowledge and understanding in the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Citizenship, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Food, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Performing Arts, Social and Health Education, Physical Education, Religious Education and Technology.
As students’ progress into Year 10, they will study examination subjects with a wide range of GCSE and Vocational qualifications to choose from. The structure of our curriculum therefore ensures that students are challenged to achieve the highest possible grades and to progress onto a destination of their choice.
Post 16, students can choose to progress onto our sixth form, where a breadth of courses and teacher expertise across two academy campuses ensures that students gain the qualifications and develop skills to progress on to their chosen pathway at 18.
Further information about our curriculum can be located HERE.
Music Development Plan - HERE
Behaviour Policy
The school behaviour policy (including rewards) can be found on our Publications > Policies HERE
Pupil Premium
Details of our plan for pupil premium spend and a review of outcomes along with the school action plancan be found under About > Pupil Premium.
The SEND policy can be found HERE.
Our SENDCO, Ms J Williams can also be contacted via the links above.
01902 558 222
The Chair of Trustees of Matrix Academy Trust can be contacted via or 01922 211 264.
Governance information can be found at About > Governance.
Complaints & Whistleblowing
The Trust Complaints Policy and Whistleblowing Policy can both be found HERE
Accounts & Funding Agreement
Please click here to view our Accounts and Funding Agreement information.
Charging and Remissions Information
The Charging and Remissions Policy is part of our Financial Procedures manual - the relevant extract can be HERE
Ethos & Values
We build our Academy ethos around our motto of “Changing Lives, Shaping Futures” which shows our focus on ensuring that our students become highly successful citizens in a 21st-century world. Our day to day practice is tied closely to our “Team Wednesfield” values of:
- Respect
- Resilience
- Pride
We strive to ensure that our community, as a whole, show these values in everything that they do.
At Wednesfield we see education as a three way process between parent, student and the Academy, Working together with our parents is extremely important to us and we welcome feedback at all times. We strive to secure the best possible provision for our students.
We want our students to have high aspirations and see their education as a route to making their dreams come true. We are focussed on supporting students to become as successful as they can be as individuals.