Wednesfield Academy is a rapidly improving school, with a strong community ethos.

We challenge our pupils to be the best they can be every day, through promoting our values and striving all pupils to fulfil their ambitions.

We celebrate success and achievement, and have a number of pupils who excel and go on to study at top universities across the country.

I look forward to meeting all our new fantastic year 7 pupils in September.

Mr Phillips - Headteacher



Uniform Expectations

Dress for Success

Who Will Look After Me?

You will receive a high level of pastoral care and support at Wednesfield Academy.

If you have any worries or issues, you should report them to your Form Tutor, class teachers, Head of House and Assistant Head of House, all of whom will help to resolve your worries and any concerns that you may have. All staff in school are there to look after you and guide you through your transition from primary into secondary school; we all know this is a big step in your education journey and we will make sure that you are supported.

Can I Ride My Bike

Yes -  you can come to school on your bike. As soon as you enter the school premises, by the first green gate, you must get off and push your bike to the bike sheds where you can lock it away safely until the end of the day. Bikes placed in the bike shed are left at the owners risk.

We advise that you regularly get your brakes checked and that you wear a helmet when you are riding your bike for safety.

Electric scooters are PROHIBITED on site.

Using the Toilet

You can normally only go to the toilet at break and lunch. However, if you have a toilet pass for medical reasons, you will be allowed to go during lesson time.


At school you will have a 20 minute morning break from 10.10am – 10.30am.

You can socialise with your friends in the Dining Room area  or on the outside area by the Tennis Courts. You can play table-tennis, basketball or football on the outside area.

If you want to buy food, you can purchase and eat refreshments in the Dining Room area.


All Year 7 have lunch at the same time so you will be able to see your friends.

If you want to buy a cooked lunch, which could include a meal deal, you can buy this from the Dining Room canteen. Meal deals typically cost £XX and include a drink. You will need money on your Wisepay account to buy any at break.

If you bring a packed lunch or want to buy a sandwich, you will dine in the Dining Room area.

Members of Leadership are on duty every lunch time to help if you have any questions.

School Day

You will have 5 lessons per day. You will have exercise books for most subjects and will need to use your timetable in your planner to plan which books will need to be brought every day. It is a good habit to get into to pack your bag the night before so that you are fully prepared and equipped for the day ahead.

Wednesfield Academy operates a ‘family lunch’ where you will be expected to sit down with your friends in the Dining Room area to eat your lunch, to chat, to play cards or to  read a book.

We operate many extra-curricular clubs. More information about these will be provided when you join us in September.


Our receptionists are the first point of contact for anybody who visits Wednesfield Academy.

They will answer the phone when your parents/carers call in and will pass on any messages. They will also collect in any letters and reply slips for trips

Contact Home

Our school must be seen as part of a wider community which includes parents, carers, friends and neighbours, upon whose cooperation we depend. We feel that home-school contact is important if pupils are to obtain the full benefit from their education. If you wish to contact the school on any matter, please write to or phone your child’s Head of House or email: postbox@wednesfieldacademy.co.uk.

If you wish to see the Headteacher about a most serious matter, please write to, email the school postbox or telephone and make an appointment for a mutually convenient time. Relatively routine matters should always be referred to the Head of House in the first instance.

Conversely, if serious problems present themselves at school, the Head of House or a senior member of staff will ask to see you. If this happens, the problem is serious and we ask for your full support in the interests of your child.

The school Newsletter and school letters are published electronically on our website to keep you informed about all school matters. We use a text messaging service to share updates with parents and carers. It is pivotal that you ensure the school has your most up to date contact details at all times to enable us to communicate and update you via our text message service.

Progress Evenings

Parents are expected to attend all Progress Evenings for each year group. Details will be sent out in advance, and these meetings are seen as a vital part of the communication process between home and school. Other information evenings are also held for parents and details are published separately for these events on our school website.

What Will I Learn

You will study a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum!

All pupils will study:

  • Art
  • Computing
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Performing Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Science
  • Technology

You will be set weekly homework for most subjects.

The School Day



Using Your Planner

On your first day at Wednesfield Academy you will be issued with a planner.

You will use this to:

  • Record a copy of your personal timetable
  • Make a note of any homework that has been set and when it is due
  • Show your parents/carers what work is being set and pass messages onto your Form Tutor
  • Record any detentions that might be set
4 Wednesfield Academy Values-01